Auditioning for reality shows is a pain: waiting in line lasts for hours, forcing you to stand around with a slew of other hopeful cast members who act as obnoxious as possible in order to attract attention from camera crews. For many of us, spending ten to twenty hours waiting around in line is time that would be far better spent sitting on a comfortable couch and playing the latest games with our friends. Now, though, gamers are getting a chance at their own reality show, thanks to Sony.
Dubbed "The Tester," open casting for the show is set to start soon, according to the Playstation Blog. An undisclosed number of hopeful gamers will "face-off in a series of elimination challenges designed to test their mental toughness, endurance, and video game knowledge as they compete for a job working as a PlayStation game tester." The show's winner will get a job working in the Quality Assurance department at Sony's San Diego offices.
In the meantime, anyone interested in being a part of this show can try out for a cast position on the official audition site. According to Eurogamer, the show is being created by 51 Minds Entertainment, the group behind many of VH1's hit "celebreality" TV series. The series will supposedly be hitting the Playstation Store this winter, and viewers can purchase individual episodes or buy a series pass.

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