The iPhone 3.0 update to Apple's smartphone operating system delivers a raft of dazzling new features, including copy and paste, Spotlight search, and user-interface refinements. The Apple nerdosphere had a meltdown Wednesday, when Apple released Version 3.0 of its iPhone firmware. Breathless, sweaty fanboys and girls filled Twitter with messages describing in excruciating detail how they were downloading and installing the software.I know all this because I was one of the nerdiest, most breathless, sweatiest, and overenthusiastic fanboys of all.The iPhone 3.0 software is a treat, making a good smartphone even better. It delivers some new capabilities, like long-overdue copy/cut/paste support, Spotlight search, and push notifications, as well as small user interface refinements that make the device more pleasant and efficient to use. And the Find Your iPhone and Remote Wipe security services are surprisingly interesting. The upgrade is free to iPhone users, $10 for iPod Touch users
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